Specifically engineered for perfect Tamagoyaki, a Japanese rolled egg omelet commonly eaten in bento boxes or as nigari sushi. In Japan, Tamagoyaki is served as a breakfast dish, and dinner tamago is usually eaten as the final course.
The Swiss Diamond XD nonstick coating on this pan contains 20% more diamonds than previous nonstick coatings. This results in superior food-release properties that provide years of superb Tamagoyaki that won’t stick to the pan for an effortless clean-up.
The new XD nonstick diamond formula is prepared using an advanced mixing system for a more homogeneous solution, resulting in a significantly improved seal between the cooking surface and the aluminum base; creating a tougher, corrosion-resistant layer. The Swiss Diamond XD coating also allows cooking without oils or butter; ideal for years of healthier cooking.
A perfectly flat base that won’t spin or warp while cooking The heat distribution is consistently uniform and the aluminum body maximizes heat transfer to eliminate hot spots. Because of this efficiency, you never need to use more than low to medium heat; reducing your energy consumption. The comfortable, ergonomic handles are designed to stay cool on the stovetop; making your cooking experience simple and effortless. Unlike any other Tamagoyaki pan, this one won’t let you down.
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